Friday, December 11, 2009

COMPROMISE a four letter word??

B: You involve yourselves with questions such as abortion. I am assuming that The Salvation Army is against it?

S.C. That's too simple. We are not as conservative as our catholic brothers and sisters. There are situations in which abortion is the lesser evil, for instance in cases of severe deformities of the foetus, [or] rape. We try to support women who find themselves in this situation and to be loyal to them, even if they make decisions that we ourselves might not have made.

The above was a quote from a General in the Salvation Army. An organization that most of us respect for all the help they give to hurting people. I, for one, donated to them many times, until now. It has come to my attention via a dear friend on facebook that the salvation army is just one more "ministry" which compromises when it comes to biblical truths.

When asked if the SA (salvation army) is against abortion, he replied with "That's too simple". Too simple?? How hard is it to understand when the Lord said "THOU SHALT NOT MURDER" and that even hating someone was murder already? I am sure that Jesus would NOT support the murder of innocent babies UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. yet we turn a blind eye because of any number of reasons. Shame on us. This man went on to say "There are situations in which abortion is the lesser evil, for instance in cases of severe deformities or rape". Who decides what deformity is severe enough to snuff out a life?

Jeremiah 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."View Image

Who are we to decide who is worthy to be born and who isnt? Where is the scriptures supporting this COMPROMISE? For a rape instance, it is a horrible thing to have to endure, and the chances of becoming pregnant from a rape are so small its barely an issue...and even still, is it the babies fault? No, yet who do we punish?...who pays the price? The baby. We call it a Fetus so that it removes the human element of it....sounds more clinical, sterile, to just call it a fetus and not a living, growing, and yes, feeling, human baby. Makes it easier on the conscience. It's still compromising biblical principles for a ministry to condone it in any sense. Compromise for a Christian, as far as biblical truth is concerned, should be a four letter word.

I believe it is shameful and heretical to support a ministry that condones this murdering of infants. When are Christians going to stand up for what is biblical and stop trying to compromise to please man. Time is ticking, where is the remnant of Gods people,...the real and true uncompromising bride of Christ?

I was to go out this Saturday with a local church to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army but upon learning that they do indeed support abortion "in certain instances"...I will no longer be going out to support them.


  1. I wish I would have read this post before we went out to bell-ring for the salvation army. But now I know. Thank you for your boldness and speaking up Michele. You keep preaching the truth and God bless you.

  2. I know how you feel, I had already gone once as well before I found out about this. I had to cancel for my second time. I just couldn't do it knowing they "support" abortion "in certain instances". thank you for the comment.
