Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Handiwork of God

I was thinking about the snow that is coming this week, starting tonight; and my mind wandered to snowflakes. Individual snowflakes and how amazing they are and how each one is different. No two are exactly the same....yet all are beautiful. Seashells are the same way, each is different, and gorgeous, even among the same type; every one is different....Then I started thinking about God and all the gorgeous intricate things He created. Each is beautiful in its own way, and unique and special...and all were created by God. Everything from the smallest shell to the largest tiger, most spectacular sunset, most detailed bird, flower, butterfly....all created by the Lord of all. Have you ever stopped to think about that? How utterly amazing God is and how beautiful creation is? When you look at all the different things in the world, how anyone can say "there is no God" is beyond me. Personally I think they choose not to see God in creation because then they have free reign to live as they please. If they were to admit there is a God, then they would have to admit they are sinners and that there is a God to answer to someday.

I was recently in a conversation with someone who said he believed in evolution because a creator was just "too much to believe"....and I was fortunate enough to be able to go through and show him the law and the gospel and how it takes much more faith to believe in everything coming from nothing as in evolution, than it does to believe that an all powerful being created everything perfectly. He did say that what I said made sense and that he would think about it and read the gospel of John as I had asked him to please do. I pray that the Lord of the harvest would open his eyes to see the beauty of creation, not the "chance" of evolution.

All have sinned and fallen short of Gods standards, we have all lied, stolen something even something small, coveted something that someone else had, basically broken Gods laws. But that is why Jesus came, fully God and fully man, born of a virgin, to pay the penalty for our sins. To take the punishment that is rightly ours. Because God loves us, He sent His son to die a horrible death, for you and for me. All we need do is repent of our sins, (turn from them and do them no more) and trust in Jesus to save us. Because God is a just God and a fair judge, sin must be punished. Jesus became the one to be punished for us, so that we can be free. The God of the universe, the one who created everything...the one who gives you each breath you take, became the payment for our sins against Him. Think about that! We deserve nothing, yet he gave everything. Please repent today and trust in Jesus. For more information, please visit

I hope you enjoy the preceding photos of our Lords handiwork. :)

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful photos MB. I love your site. God bless you as you bring Him glory in all that you do.
